Brittany region guide - Gites Cottages Villas and vacation homes
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                    [post_author] => 2249
                    [post_date] => 2015-11-09 15:30:54
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                    [post_content] => Traditional stone cottage with its own enclosed garden.
Downstairs there is an open plan living area with sofa, table and chairs 
and a fully fitted kitchen with cooker, microwave, fridge-freezer,
electric kettle and toaster.
Upstairs a double bedroom and bathroom with shower.
                    [post_title] => Foxglove Cottage
                    [post_excerpt] => Typical Breton stone built 1 bedroom cottage with private garden.
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            [post_date] => 2015-11-09 15:30:54
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            [post_content] => Traditional stone cottage with its own enclosed garden.
Downstairs there is an open plan living area with sofa, table and chairs 
and a fully fitted kitchen with cooker, microwave, fridge-freezer,
electric kettle and toaster.
Upstairs a double bedroom and bathroom with shower.
            [post_title] => Foxglove Cottage
            [post_excerpt] => Typical Breton stone built 1 bedroom cottage with private garden.
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We found 111 Gites.


Foxglove Cottage

Brittany / Morbihan / La Gacilly

Typical Breton stone built 1 bedroom cottage with private garden.
Sleeps 2
Pets Allowed
Fishing Friendly

Prices per week from
€220 to €320